Your local lawyers for general law since 1990.
Chapman Jones is a solution-focused general law practice in the heart of Devonport.
Since 1990 we have been providing value and robust overview to three generations of clients in the local community and beyond.

Our Areas of Practice
Hover over the tabs below to view our areas of expertise.
For further information, view our Expertise page here
Corporate and Commercial
Estate Planning
Estate Management and Administration
Relationship Property Law
- Sale & Purchase of Property
- Refinancing
- Loan Arrangements
- Boundary adjustments, Fencing & Easements
- Property Reviews
- Subdivision
- Property Sharing Agreements
Corporate and Commercial
- Company Formation
- Shareholder Agreements
- Corporate Governance
- Constitutions
- Share transfers and registration
- Annual returns
- Commercial Leases
- Sale & Purchase of Business
- Sale & Purchase of Shares
- Due diligence
- Ownership structures
- Financing
- Commercial Contracts
Estate Planning
- Asset Restructuring
- Wills
- Retirement Village - Applications and Settlements
- General Powers of Attorney
- Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Succession planning
- Review & Planning
- Formation of Trusts
- Trust Administration
- Dissolution of Trusts
Estate Management and Administration
- Applications for Probate
- Deceased estate management
- Dispute Resolution - case management through our network of barristers
Relationship Property Law
- Relationship Property Advice
- Contracting Out Agreements
- Separation Agreements
- Relationship Property Agreements
- Property Sharing Agreements
- Dispute Resolution - case management through our network of barristers